02 August, 2008

Something's On the Move

It has been about six years since I boxed up all my stuff and humped it all to a new home and here I am doing it again. You see, The Dulcinea and I are moving in together. Earlier this week we put all of her earthly possessions into a large truck and then emptied this truck yesterday. Our new home on the isthmus is now a complete disaster with boxes strewn about in every corner and we haven't even begun to move any of my stuff. Looking around, I see boxes, boxes everywhere. Not everything is packed, though. For instance, there are two six-packs of New Glarus Tail Wagger barley wine that has been down here for a couple years and is now nicely aged. It should be a nice bulwark against the cold this winter.

Despite having disposed of quite a bit, I've still got a lot of stuff. Does anyone want a film projector? It can handle 8mm and 16mm. I've also got an 8mm film editing hoolie. They're free but I make no guarantees about the availability of bulbs. And books. When they're on the shelves, they don't look like a lot but I've filled up numerous boxes with them. Ugh.

I'll be very glad when we're all settled into the new place. It will be a fully-armed and operational gaming den. I've got a Call of Cthulhu adventure that I'm readying for the maiden gaming night. We'll have to wait and see where my framed map of Middle Earth ends up. And I hope the neighbors like progressive rock because I have a feeling that they'll be getting hefty doses of Jethro Tull and King Crimson in the near future. If you're wandering the isthmus and hear the strains of "Lark's Tongue in Aspic", stop in and say hi. There's beer in the frig already.


  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I call dibs on the projector !!
    I've ben waiting 10 years to watch all the 16mm crap I made in school!!!

    Arch stanton

  2. Come on down.

    Oh, I drank that bottle of your homebrew last night. I thought it turned out quite well.
