05 December, 2008

New Restaurant Opening on Willy Street

I walked by the old Star Photo building on Willy Street this afternoon and noticed a placard in the window. It indicated that the new renters have applied for a liquor license for a new bar/tavern and restaurant.

Does anyone know what is going to be opening up there? Arbat East? The New Jada's Soul Food? Is Linda Falkenstein's dream about to come true with a Burmese eatery?

We'll see...


  1. Ooh! I dunno what's coming there. But I did think of you when I saw that Alex Polish American Deli seems to be closed, and even its replacement, Melalo's (?), is shuttered. Dang turnover.

  2. The placard said the owners' request for a license would be debated at the 17 Dec meeting so perhaps we'll find out in a week and a half.

    I'm glad I'm the first thing on your mind when you think of Polish food. ;) It's a shame about the deli. On the bright side, I am in Chicago right now and will probably be heading to a Polish neighborhood today.
