13 July, 2009

Sarah Coyle, You Do Not Speak For Me

So, the Madison school district accidentally applied some Roundup to the grounds of the Marquette school and now one of my neighbors, Sarah Coyle, thinks she speaks for me.

I say "accidentally" because the school district's director of building services, Doug Pearson, knew that the Marquette neighborhood is infested with the likes of Coyle.

Pearson admits that he left Marquette/O'Keeffe site off of his treatment list because he knew it would create controversy in the neighborhood, but says his grounds supervisor mistakenly sprayed the area anyway.

Ms. Coyle was quoted as saying: "Because this decision was just not OK with anybody in the neighborhood or any of the parents or anybody who lives near the school."

Well let me tell you neighbor, I live 1 block from the school and the herbicide application was fine by me. Did you come to my door and ask my opinion? Please don't go around pretending that you speak for everyone.


  1. Mrs.Lovejoy2:54 PM

    Won't someone think of the children?

  2. Christ is Christ.

  3. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Yeah, Coyle is an astounding whack job! You think Roundup is bad~stay away from the Coyle'd snake!

  4. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Miss Coyle is misguided. She offers no suggestion for alternative approaches--like many who portend to be principled but who are actually ignorant and uninformed. She makes the narcissistic assumption that her way of thinking is the way that everyone should think. Likely she would argue for diversity of opinion, but be the first to belittle views contrary to her own without offering a reasonable alternative. Would this be same Coyle who is against childhood vaccinations? “To hell with the community and shared concerns, I want my cake and to eat it too!” A soul could only hope that she would dialogue with the people for whom she harbors malignant disdain.
