04 April, 2010

African American Store Now Open

On a recent trek down E. Wash I noticed that a new store had opened in the Eken Park neighborhood - African American Store. It's at 2750 E. Johnson - the intersection with North Lawn Ave. Could it replace Chicago's Kukulu Market to satiate my chechebsa cravings?

Unfortunately, no. The African American Store is mostly devoted to clothing, jewelry, musical instruments, et al but also carries health care products, DVDs of African movies, and some grocery items.

As far as the foodstuffs go, there are tea, some snacks such as fried plantains as well as herbs/spices and lots of grains, many of which I'd never heard of and so have no idea how they're prepared. The store can also meet all of your palm oil needs. Fresh vegetables are limited to sweet potatoes, plantains, and another which I cannot remember. I'll add that staff were very friendly. Although they seemed to have emigrated here from Africa, they all spoke perfectly fine English.

I walked out with a bag of fried plantains, some jerk paste, and a sack of teff flour so I can try to make some injera bread at home.

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