26 August, 2010

Dear MATC: Why Do You Need My SS#?

I went about registering for a non-credit continuing education course at MATC today but found that I actually had to register, i.e. - have some kind of account created with them. The first thing they wanted was my Social Security number.


Why do you need my SS# to take a non-credit course? I'm not aiming for a degree and I couldn't apply for financial aid towards it even if I was too cheap to fork out $45. The UW doesn't ask for it - just take a look at their non-credit class registration form. How come an even bigger bureaucracy can get by with my name, address, and a check yet a technical college needs my SS#?

I asked the very friendly woman who was registering me why she needed such private information to take a single non-credit course. "We need it," came the reply. So why do you need it? "We can refer to it if you take future courses." And you can't look up my name the next time?


  1. Did you let her have it?

    I make a stink about things like that every time. They won't change the policy unless there's enough hassle.

    Of course it's a hassle for you and me to argue about it as well.

  2. I explained myself to her. But I'm sure she was a drone who didn't know why they asked for SS#s and could care either.
