19 August, 2010

New Furthermore Brew & a Capital Tied House

An article in the Wisconsin State Journal about Gorst Valley Hops notes that Furthermore Beer is going to use their hops in a new brew this fall called Hopper Bolic, described an IPA. However, knowing how Furthermore operates, it likely won’t be just an IPA. It’ll be an IPA brewed with cubebs and finished off with virgin gold dust or something like that.

Dane101’s ALRC rundown this morning notes a forthcoming Capital tied house-like restaurant on State Street is in the works.

Fiancees Julie Stoleson and Jack Sosnowski have been running the Ivory Room for almost three years. When the Wisconsin House of Cheese left an empty space on State Street they decided the best way to ensure that another local business ended up there was to start one themselves.

Their new restaurant will focus on beers from the Capital Brewery -- Sosnowski was quick to point out that Capital's original location was on State Street. Their menu has a late night selection that will be available as long as the restaurant is open and includes sandwiches and burgers.

If this happens, it will join the Sprecher Pub & Restaurant and Gray’s Tied House in the list of bars/restaurants that focus on the beers of a particularly brewery. How long before lobbyists approach the politcos at the Capitol on behalf of beer distributors saying that this portends an apocalyptic act of pre-Prohibition recidivism?


  1. Wholesaler lobbyists already did it. The only reason Capital can open a restaurant is because they (along with all breweries that existed on 11/25/2007) were grandfathered an exemption to the brewpub bill. Old breweries have a legislated competitive advantage over new ones.

  2. My understanding here is that Capital is not opening the restaurant but rather other folks who are leasing the name and entering into some kind of contract with Capital to serve their beer more or less exclusively.

    Similarly, my understanding is that the Sprecher Restaurant is not owned by Sprecher. Another party bought the rights to use the name, logo, etc.
