02 November, 2010

House of Brews in WSJ & New Brewery in Dells?

My buddy Page was featured in the State Journal last week regarding his new brewery, House of Brews. It's to be a Community Supported Brewery.

His plan calls for about 50 members who would pay about $180 for a half subscription or about $360 for a full subscription. Full subscribers would receive 12 bottles of beer each month, plus two educational events a year and an invitation to the brewery’s annual appreciation dinner.

Buchanan wants to use as many ingredients as he can get from Wisconsin. His flagship beer, brewed in a 10-barrel system, would be a medium-alcohol rye beer. But his 22-gallon brew kettles will allow him to experiment with a variety of beers and styles. Part of his plan is to create beers specifically for individual restaurants and bars.

I presume this "medium-alcohol rye beer" is Page's rye kolsch which I've had the past few summers at his place. Mmm....


A couple gentlemen are looking to open a brewery up in the Dells called Port Huron Brewing Company. They want to open in an industrial park but need zoning changes. One alderman at a hearing was concerned that the tasting room at the brewery would put the Dells onto a slippery slope and that a strip club would open in the park.(?!) Hopefully it will all go smoothly and we'll have another brewery here in Wisconsin.


  1. Pagfe7:25 AM

    Regarding my flagship beer, indeed you are right, it will be my Rye.

  2. Swell! My friend Chris and I volunteer for kolsch quality control.
