03 November, 2010

I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords

A blogger over at Daily Kos wrote in the wake of last night's election results: "Hey Wisconsin, go F**K yourself!" Emotions run high and he has since changed the post to read "I will not hate on Wisconsin today. I will not hate on Wisconsin today."

Whet Moser of the Chicago Reader has a great quote: From a liberal Wisconsin native, on the Feingold loss: "I wish I could believe that this is our Obi-Wan Kenobi '…strike me down…' moment"

Elsewhere Matt Rothschild of The Progressive magazine has posted his lament over Feingold's loss. Here's a part with which I disagree:

Feingold also has Barack Obama to thank for his defeat.

Obama failed to deliver the change he promised, failed to deliver the jobs he promised, and cozied up to Wall Street, so voters across the country took it out on Democrats with a vengeance.

For instance, the AP ran a story about a Wisconsinite opposing Feingold because she said he voted for the bank bailout. When the reporter informed her that Feingold actually voted against the bank bailout, that didn’t change her mind. She responded that the Democrats still spent too much.

Now, I haven't read that AP story but I don't get from what Rothschild wrote that this is an example of a failing of Obama's. Instead it seems that that woman doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground. The assertion upon which her opinion was based was proven wrong and, when presented with the facts, she had this dizzying bout of cognitive dissonance which she reduced by finding another belief to fit the facts.

I just don't see this woman's refusal to reassess her views in light of new information as Obama's fault. Or Feingold's.

Alia iacta est.

Now we can look forward to a lieutenant governor who will probably use her office to lobby for a creation museum in Oconomowoc which she can tout as creating jobs and generating tourist revenue. Plus it's open season on gays, state employees, the poor, passenger rail, the UW system, &c.

Hopefully I'll at least get a tax cut.

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