10 December, 2010

Hic Sunt Feles

Some eldritch prints in the snow on our porch...

...were traced to this creature, our cat Grabby.

Unfortunately she is not satisfied with merely sitting underneath our tannenbaum and feels the need to actually perch herself on its branches.

She's not toppled it over. Yet. When she does, the salt dough ornaments that Miles and The Dulcinea have made will surely crack into pieces. I'd hate to see that because they've put a lot of work into them - making the dough, cutting out the shapes, baking them, and painting them.

My contribution to decorating the tannenbaum consisted of taking advantage of the holiday sale at Wisconsin Historical Society Museum and buying myself an nice ornament cheap.

Head on over for some good deals. They've got the multi-volume History of Wisconsin set dirt cheap - $10/book, if memory serves - and cheese curd t-shirts are only $7 apiece.


  1. http://socialitelife.com/25-cats-in-christmas-trees-photos-12-2010/cats-christmas-trees-12152010-04

  2. Thanks for the link. I wish I could get such a nice photo of Grabby in our tree. Methinks I need a new camera.
