21 January, 2011

David Blaska Runs Crying to Big Government

Sly hurts, Sly scars
Sly wounds and marks
Any Blaska not tough
Or strong enough

Ooooh, Sly hurts

Ooh Sly, you big meanie! You hurt David Blaska's feelings!

For a guy supposedly in favor of free speech, I have to say that trying to silence Sly sure looks hypocritical.

Blaska's Blog has filed a formal complaint with the Federal Communications Commission against WTDY radio. My intent is to knock the Vile Radio Talker off the air.

Hey, Hey!
Ho, Ho!
Speech Blaska doesn't like
Has got to go!

I mean, first he argues that individuals don't lose their right to free speech simply by virtue of being a part of an association (i.e. – corporation) and then he turns around and petitions his supposed arch enemy – Big Government – to step in and curtail the free speech of someone speaking on behalf of a corporation.

Where was he when Glenn Beck started telling his viewers that they'd have to start shooting liberals in the head? But when Sly makes fun of our Lt. Governor, Rebecca Kleefisch – look out! – we need to run to big daddy government. Here's the offending bit:

How amateurish is it to have Rebecca Kleefisch, who, I don't know, she has some like little panty business in her basement or something, I don't know. She's hardly a, she's hardly an entrepreneur. You know what? You know how amateurish that is? Cold-calling?

(Using high-pitched voice, speaking as Kleefisch)

Would you like to move to Wisconsin? Would you like to move CouponCabin to Wisconsin? I'm Rebecca Kleefisch. I performed fellatio on all the talk show hosts in Milwaukee. And they endorsed me and that's how I became lieutenant governor. And then I got colon cancer and I ran around the state to help people. Even though I have government health care, screw everyone else.

Firstly, how is this hate speech? To me hate speech is about targeting a group of people. Here Sly didn't go after all cancer victims nor all people who perform fellatio nor all Republicans. His remarks are pretty well confined to one Republican alone: Rebecca Kleefisch.

Is what Sly said tasteless, insensitive, cruel, and offensive? Sure it was. But even the vilest speech is protected by the First Amendment. From the crudest political BS to the slime of racist, Holocaust denying neo-Nazis, it's free speech. Sly, unlike Glenn Beck above, didn't, from the transcript I quote (I haven't listened to the whole thing), try to incite violence. He never said that people must be prepared to shoot Rebecca Kleefisch in the head.

Blaska writes, "I do not like Big Government." Right. Unless he can run to it in order to silence people he doesn't like. Instead of crying like a baby to the FCC, why not write the radio station and/or to advertisers saying you've lost my business until the "Sly problem" is corrected? Why run to the Feds when a solution lies locally and a solution that doesn't involve the government at all? What happened to all of Blaska's talk about citizens doing it for themselves instead of looking to Big Government to deal with their problems for them? That only seems to apply to other people's problems, apparently.

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