26 January, 2011

I Guess I Need to Shave

I was up on the Square this morning having a cigarette when a guy approached me.

"Are you on the street?"

"No," I replied. "Just having a cigarette and it's back to work."

I thought the guy was just being a good samaritan and figured that I looked a bit scruffy not having shaved in a while.

Then he pulls out a quarter, holds it upright between his thumb and forefinger, and leans in a little bit before asking "Do you want a lucky bicentennial quarter?"

I refused it and the guy wandered off. Hopefully declining his offer isn't the equivalent of walking under a ladder.


  1. arch stanton4:36 PM

    That dude was just trying to pay it forward adn you RUINED it!!

  2. Thanks for making me feel bad. What's with you Stoughtonians?

  3. arch stanton10:56 AM

    It's Stoughtonites.
    From Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner:
    Driven south to the land of the Stoughtonites
    To a place where nobody's been
