11 March, 2011

So Long Dogfish Head

Dogfish Head have officially announced that they are pulling out of Wisconsin. From the company's blog:

The distributors in the states we are pulling distribution from (Tennessee, Indiana, Wisconsin and Rhode Island) have already been notified of our decision. If your favorite pubs and beer outlets are no longer able to obtain Dogfish products, we are sorry that we are no longer able to supply them. Thanks for understanding and we are hopeful for your ongoing support.

Fans will have to make a run to the border, I guess.


  1. arch stanton3:42 PM

    Where am I going to get my $12 four packs now?

  2. I guess you'll have to go to Chicago. But you won't be able to take the train.

  3. arch stanton3:51 PM

    Does Scott Walker have to ruin EVERYTHING???

  4. I blame the voters of Stoughton.
