11 May, 2011

The Revenant Hot Dog Joint

According to a thread at Isthmus' forums, Dog Eat Dog is being resurrected. The eatery used to be on King Street but closed at some point in the dim and distant past.

Upon reading the news that I might be able to get a better Italian beef here in Madison, I was elated. (Right now, I'd say that JJ's has the best beef in town which, for someone from Chicago, is sad news.) However, my joy turned to mild disappointment when I read further and discovered that DED is opening within the confines of Pooley's.

Not my first choice of venue for good eats but Pooley's is what it is: a sports bar nestled amongst car dealerships on the outskirts of a business park. I'm sure I'll give it a try but I'm still tempted to get my Italian beef fix by going to Chicago. The beef will likely be cheaper and I can visit friends and family. Plus there's some nice shopping opportunities to be had for Polish food that aren't available here. This is especially so now that Andy's Deli has reopened after the fire they had in February.

DED looks to be open in June sometime and you'll no doubt be able to read me being critical of their Italian beef shortly thereafter at this very blog.

1 comment:

  1. Drove by Pooley's recently and their marquee said "now serving Dog Eat Dog." Looks like it's official. But I'd still call ahead...
