19 August, 2011

Boy, Am I Glad Dave Cieslewicz Is No Longer Mayor

Ex-Mayor Dave's latest blog post disturbed me.

He's been reading Erik Larson's In the Garden of Beasts and notes how similar middle class Germany was in the early 30s to today's American middle class plus just how close Hitler came to never gaining power. (Sounds a lot like Henry Ashby Turner Jr.'s Hitler's Thirty days To Power: January 1933.)

The disturbing part is how Ex-Mayor Dave ends his post:

The point is that sometimes one person does matter and the notes they choose to play on the public stage get echoed back and can change history for good or evil. It's what Lincoln meant when he called on Americans to find the "better angels of our nature." And it's why I still support Barack Obama. Because at the end of the day, despite my frustrations with his policies, he appeals to the things that are best in us.

Emphasis mine.

So, while the actions of the most powerful man on the planet may be bad or harmful, but he gives Cieslewicz the warm fuzzies. So, while the Commander-in-Chief OKs drone strikes that kill children left and right, Dave is sitting at home feeling all gushy inside. I think there's a Norman Rockwell painting here somewhere.

So Mr. Cieslewicz, how many more children will have to die, how much will Social Security and Medicare have to be cut, how many more innocent people will be given a special vacation to one of our black op sites to be tortured, how many more wars will Obama have to enter, how many more times will Wall Street executives screw us over and get away with it, how many more whistleblowers will be prosecuted for giving us a tiny, brief glimpse of what our country really does in our name and with our tax money before you'll stop looking at the stars for a bit and instead look around you? There's more to being President of the United States than hitting some harmonious notes while reading a teleprompter in front of a TV camera.

Personally, I feel that Obama can go suck an egg. I'm tired of him pissing on my back and then telling me that it's raining.

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