31 October, 2011

Rumors Abound Regarding DWD Departures

The rumor mill continues to grind out the bread and life of destiny.

It was not even a week ago when I received news that WI Department of Workforce Development Secretary Scott Baumbach resigned after a paltry four months on the job. Today I heard a rumor that he took one for the team and resigned because he is being investigated for tax fraud.

Just last Friday it was reported that Allison Rozek, the administrator of the Administrative Services Division, departed. The rumor says she was escorted out of her office in handcuffs.

The first rumor is at least plausible but I haven't been able to find a news article indicating that Rozek had manacles slapped on her. You'd think that this would be newsworthy and that some reporter somewhere would have stumbled upon this if it had happened.

No word on whether these two events are related, however.

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