29 February, 2012

Bully Stuck with R Rating

Since my youngest stepson is being bullied at school I was happy to hear about a new movie which looks at the problem - Bully.

Last I'd heard the filmmakers were appealing the decision by the MPAA to give it an R rating. Well, I now read that they lost that appeal.

Last week, the Motion Picture Association of America dealt the film a serious blow by upholding the film’s R rating, making the documentary less accessible to its target audience. For the MPAA, the problem with “Bully” stemmed from a scene in which a student was harassed and the f-word was said seven or eight times by various accosters.

You have got to be shittin' me. Kids can go see PG-13 Transformers movies which feature "fuck", "shit", "son of a bitch", "pussy", and "bitch ass", teases them with Megan Fox's panties, and are full of violence but to see real life reflected back at them from the silver screen, well, that calls for restrictions.

If the kids wants to see this, I will take him. The article notes that the "Cincinnati school district had arranged to bus over 40,000 students to see documentary, but will have to cancel the plans because of its rating." Too bad.

The MPAA sure has some screwed up criteria for rating movies.


  1. The MPAA is bullshit and I hope this helps people realize that truth.

  2. BS or not, they are, unfortunately, an industry trade group so the movie industry itself is going to have to enact any changes.
