09 February, 2012

New and Improved Security at State Office Buildings

So the state Department of Health Services building now has security guards forcing visitors to 1 West Wilson to "check in" before being allowed access to the public building.

It's all part of a security plan that's been in the works for two years, says Beth Kaplan, spokeswoman for the Department of Health Services. The Department of Health Services and Department of Administration building, she adds, are the "only two state agency buildings that still do not have this type of security plan in place."

Under the new restrictions, which are still being phased in, visitors need to check in with security guards before gaining access, and employees must wear newly issued security badges.

"only two state agency buildings that still do not have this type of security plan in place"?

You don't need to check in with a security guard at the Historical Society. You can just walk up and talk to someone about tax breaks for restoring your historic home or piss off an archaeologist by wanting to chat about pyramids in Rock Lake. The GEF 2** and GEF 3 buildings don't have guards. (GEF 1, if memory serves, introduced a security detail after 9/11 and kept it on after other agencies got rid of theirs.) What is this spokesperson talking about?

I suggest a flash mob at 1WW where everyone daubs some fake blood on their faces and approaches the security guards to inquire where they can find the contagious diseases department.

Bonus Conspiracy Theory: DHS, DOA, and DOJ have tunnels that go to the Capitol. Is this about making sure Walker and his benefactors can avoid the hoi polloi?

EDIT: **GEF 2 is apparently locked now. I haven't tried to get a parks sticker from the DNR lately but I guess you have to go through GEF 1' security to do so these days.

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