03 October, 2012

Will There Be a Butcher in the Butcher Shop?

So the Underground Food Collective is going to open a butcher shop on Willy Street. This is good news as the meats I've had of theirs have been tasty. But will there actually be a butcher on hand to answer questions and offer advice or will the place be staffed merely by clerks who can weigh, bag, and tag the meat?

And please, please, please - I'm begging you, UFC, - don't fill your display cases up with goofily flavored sausages like just about every meat shop in town does. I hope that when I walk in for the first time there won't be gyros brats, sun-dried tomato and jalapeno brats, mac & cheese pizza brats, etc.


  1. Have you seen the meats they produce? (They're in many of those cases you bemoan.) You should know that novelty is not their game.

  2. I've seen some of their stuff, yes. But just because I've seen some salami in a store doesn't tell me what their business plan is going to be once they are the ones taking on the overhead of a storefront.

    I remember a time before butchers and grocery stores went down the primrose path of wurst novelty. The shit sells. It happens to the best of 'em.
