25 March, 2013

Madison Craft Beer Week and Schell's Summer Line-Up Gets More Interesting

We've got labels.

Is Central Waters getting a new look? It's nice to see Leines doing a Helles though it would appear that it's a going to be an IPA masquerading as one which is a bummer.

Our neighbors to the west at Schell are not only releasing a Berliner Weiss this summer, but are also doubling up on lesser known German bier styles by brewing this:

Goosetown is a gose, a sour wheat ale with coriander and salt. If all goes well, it could be one of my go-to beers for the summer. I reviewed Leipziger Gose previously.

Madison Craft Beer Week events have been posted. It looks like most, if not all, of the events are there. Some highlights for me:

Common Thread Biere de Garde debut at Vintage. Find out just what 10+ Wisconsin craft brewers came up with.

German Day at The Old Fashioned. Uerige Alt, Reissdorf, and Fritz Briem Grodziskie are all slated to be on tap. So is Sunner's Kellerbier although Beer Advocate's profile of the brewery doesn't list one. We'll see, I guess. An altbier from Düsseldorf, a Kölsch from Cologne, and a grodziskie/gratzer from Gräfelfing or Freising or wherever it's brewed - a must drink occasion. Hey Essen Haus - how come you never have altbiers, Kölsches, gratzer, or kellerNo asbiers on tap?