09 March, 2023

Goodbye Fat Tire, We Hardly Knew Ya

New Belgium has reformulated Fat Tire so I figured I'd have one more of the classic version before the new stuff takes over. Very tasty.

Anyone sampled New Fat Tire? What does it taste like?



  1. Have not yet had the new Fat Tire. But, amazingly, back in June 2022, when surfing Eventbrite, I turned up a listed free event for a particular office chair. It included food and beverages for three hours, on the roof of the Godfrey Hotel in River North.
    The bar had only packaged beers, of which one was Fat Tire. I presciently took a photograph of the bottle. This must have been one of the last packaging of the former formula. http://up2www.com/uploads/02_02_23godfrey-hotel08.jpg
    It also had a build-your-own Chicago-style hot dog entree. http://up2www.com/uploads/02_02_23godfrey-hotel06.jpg
    I do have a photo of the chair the event was promoting, but have omitted it to save bandwidth.

  2. My bottle had a drink by date of April 2023. That dog looks tasty - but no sport peppers!
