03 April, 2023

Dear AMC...

For some unknown reason, I decided last week that I wanted to see Voyage of Time on an IMAX before I die. It's a passion project of Terrence Malick's made for the IMAX and is described as being "...a one-of-a-kind celebration of life and the grand history of the cosmos...a hymn to the glories of nature, life and scientific discovery".

I believe it's his only documentary. It's a Malick movie, what more need be said?

There was a time before AMC bought the IMAX screen here in Madison when it wasn't solely dedicated to tentpole productions, usually featuring CGI pretty people in skin tight outfits destroying some city or other. The previous owners actually screened documentaries on the big, big screen. But they went away.

So I have emailed AMC asking for them to return. They sure don't make it easy. I felt a bit like Arthur Dent at the display department. First, you dodge a series of FAQs. Then I submitted a comment on a form that doesn't really have a suggestions category and makes AMC seem wholly unprepared for any contact with customers that isn't a complaint. I then received an automated reply suggesting that I look through the FAQ's again to resolve my non-existent complaint/problem with some club I am not a member of. I replied that I simply wanted to submit a suggestion and was sent the following:

"Thank you for contacting AMC Theatres! I've noted your suggestions to include showings of IMAX documentaries at our Fitchburg 18 location for the appropriate departments to review. We consider guest feedback to be very important to our success and we appreciate the time and effort that you put forth to share your thoughts!"

I won't hold my breath that I'll be able to see documentaries on the IMAX here any time in the near future, but at least I made my thoughts known.

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