12 April, 2023

Lesson Learned: Chicago Dog Edition

There are times when I'm at the grocery store and I throw caution and the adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." to the wind. Such was the case recently when I needed to get my Chicago dog fix. For reasons unknown, I decided to try something different and get some Klement's Chicago style dogs.

They were fine but not up to a Vienna dog.

Vienna dogs are spiced differently and in such a way as to bring out that beefy lips & assholes flavor more. Klement's version just tasted like a toned down version of a Vienna. (Vienna probably just uses more salt.) Again, they're not bad, they're just not as good as the standard bearer.


  1. I am currently in Tokyo, Japan. I have not been broadcasting this much since the only other occupant of my abode is my luscious cat Mirko. She is not an attack cat. Truthfully, she has tended to avoid contact with the cat sitter I hire on. As well, this is the first time I have been out of there for any length of time since September 2018. I hope she is not freaking out.
    Yesterday, I was in central Yokohama. I was looking for a Daiso ¥100 shop. But I was diverted when spotting a Lawson Store 100 ¥100 shop.
    Conbinis here have fresh food items. (Check the Conbini Boys English-language podcast.) I bought a longer-length hot dog with spicy mustard (and no ketchup for once[!]). Heated it up in the shop microwave; and ate it in front of the store. It was actually good. Unfortunately, my camera got wet and broke down a week earlier, so there are no photos of anything.

  2. Hi Steve - I hope you're enjoying yourself over there. I am jealous. Are ¥100 shops their equivalent of dollar stores? That podcast looks to be amusing. Thanks.
