01 June, 2023

The Good Gavin is in the Lodge

This was a funny little tale that features the Doctor and Jamie only, now that Victoria has left the TARDIS. As the story opens, they are in the midst of a celebration for they have helped good King Gavin ascend to the throne instead of his evil twin brother, Conrad. Just how good was Gavin? Well, he instituted a long list of just reforms such as universal health care, redistribution of wealth in an equitable manner, and the invention calorie-free chocolate.

Having had enough of whooping it up, the Doctor and Jamie depart only to land at the same spot they left but 10 years ahead in time. Now Conrad is on the throne and our heroes aren't quite sure what happened. They did help Gavin, right? Why were the siblings at war with one another, anyway?

The Doctor tricks Gavin and Conrad to meet so that they can hash out their differences but find that those differences are about petty things like eating with one's mouth open and breathing in an annoying way. No compromise is found and the kings go their separate ways.

The Doctor and Jamie ponder if there are Doppelgängers of themselves out there. They agree that neither of them could cope with a second Second Doctor running loose in the universe.

A fun, lighthearted tale with a dash of timey-wimey thrown in for good measure.

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