11 August, 2023

Return of the Giant Galea

Long ago in the Galea Galaxy, Dr. Vane found the regal Galea Tentipocus. He captured some seeds and brought them home to his Experimental Botanical Gardens on Venus.

Being friends with Dr. Vane, the Doctor gets wind of the discovery and he decides to take Jamie and Zoe to Venus to check out the botanical novelty. Zoe is thrilled at the prospect while Jamie finds the idea of seeing some plant to be boring. The TARDIS lands on Venus and the Doctor inexplicably has Zoe stay at the ship to "hold the fort".

Much to their surprise, Vane tells the Doctor and Jamie that his prized plant has gone missing as has his assistant, Regan, whom he sent out to find the crooks who absconded with the plant. Regan looks like some old duffer who wanders the moors and then has a drink at a country pub - like a local from Terror of the Zygons.

It turns out that the plant has grown considerably and very quickly with its branches being tentacle-like. The Doctor and Jamie are quickly ensnared by the vegetal villains but thankfully the Doctor has his cigarette lighter and is relieved to discover that Galea Tentipocus really doesn't like fire.

Short, hokey, and meant for kids. Leaving Zoe behind is silly and unforgivable. She wanted to see the plant. She's not tired like Nyssa in Kinda. Ridiculous.

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