05 February, 2024

Piper likes German Expressionism

Piper enjoyed a little bit of Von morgens bis mitternachts with me last week. Unsurprisingly, it was the scene where the young man goes to the thrift shop that is home to a cat.


  1. This is fascinating.
    I am salvaging my Monday evening at the Green Eye tavern on north Western Ave., very close to the CTA Blue Line "L"'s Western Ave. station (O'Hare branch).
    I really wanted to be at the Empty Bottle tavern a mile south of here on Western Ave. My data relayed that Monday was the night when, if a music act was booked, there was no cover.
    There was a music act booked tonight, but it was not free. It was $35.00. My primary reason for visiting the Empty Bottle was to re-establish friendly contact with Peg, the {Steely Dan inspired?} cat resident there.
    If I had been admitted, and gotten some attention from Peg, I would have shown her{?} a jpg on this Windows 8.1 laptop of my cat Mirko.
    Would she react to an image of a cat? Would this be an indication of advanced intelligence of a specific feline? This weblog post seems to illustrate that Piper possesses that. 8=)}

  2. Who was playing on Monday night? $35 seems like a lot for some local on a Monday.

    Piper loves watching those Youtube cat channels which show videos of bird feeders close-up. Our new TV weighs about 8oz and the wife fears Piper'll leap at the TV and knock it over.
