23 May, 2024

It was like a full force gale

I had the chance to wander around a bit of the south side yesterday morning in the wake of the nasty storm that rolled through Tuesday night. Branches of various sizes littered lawns and streets alike. There were some downed limbs and, sadly, entire trees like this one in a backyard that I spied.

Fallen limbs blocked streets to varying degrees.

Walking down an alley, I spied a rather large fallen tree.

I wandered over to find that this lovely, majestic white oak had fallen on a car.

Luckily no one was hurt. No humans, anyway. It fell away from the owner's house. I chatted with her briefly and she was very sad to see the tree go. Surely it was one of the oldest oaks in the city - maybe 200 years old. She also remarked that many critters called the tree home and now they would have to find other accommodation.

I was told that it was treated for oak wilt at some point.

I continued to wander and came across some tree limb support structures.

The Bay Creek neighborhood has such a lovely urban forest and it was nice to see people caring for it even if it meant going out of their way.

This photograph doesn't really do the scene justice but I loved it. The big tree in the foreground on a backdrop of green with the mansardy square turret of that Victorian home peeking out in back.

Every year I intend to take a decent photo of that house in the spring or fall when the view from the sidewalk isn't obscured by tree leaves and every year I forget. Instead my view of it is usually that turret thingy from afar.

This view never fails to give me Gabriel Chase vibes.

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