15 May, 2024

My first ride of 2024

I had intended to go on my first bike ride of the season in the morning but found that I had a flat tire. Later in the day, with chores done, the fine folks at Slow Roll Cycles remedied that and I was able to hit the road come the afternoon.

The neighborhood garden and environs were looking nice.

One of the Leopold benches was adorned with seasonally appropriate art.

Down in the reservoir were a couple of swingin' bachelor mallards.

Starkweather Park was also looking mighty fine. A bit early to see any deer, methinks.

It's a great place for watching the plentiful red-winged black birds.

I hadn't been down the Marsh Path in a while and found that the tent city underneath the overpass was gone.

I wandered along the creek.

There were some very nice views of the Voit Farm property from atop a little hill.

On the way home, I encountered a couple more birds.

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