13 June, 2024

Lola rennt 25 Jahre später

I went to see Run Lola Run, a.k.a. - Lola rennt, on the big screen. I don't think I'd seen it since c.1999 when it originally came to theaters. Great fun. I had forgotten quite a bit, such as the brief bits of animation.

Watching it this week, I recalled a bit of how it felt doing so 25 years ago. It felt new wavey back then with an electronic music soundtrack at a time when that genre was The Next Big Thing every year for a few years. Its frenetic pace with a plethora of camera angles woven together provided continuity but also served to heighten the tension. The characters were about my age and there was some of that aforementioned animation along with split screens. A very nice visual mix.

Now that I am older, I can really appreciate the ideas here, the notions of destiny and that one's life could have been different.

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