18 February, 2025

Jeff Bezos' minions do kołaczki

I have fallen into the habit of occasionally grabbing lunch at Whole Foods and have noticed kołaczki in the bulk cookie case just across from the pre-made salads. They've tempted me for a couple months now but I've always figured that there's no way Amazon could make good kołaczki and resolutely walked past them with my nose in the air. But I finally gave in to my curiosity last week and bought some as I had neglected to do so when I was at the Deli 4 You in Schaumburg last month. There were apricot and raspberry on offer.

They weren't bad. But they didn't taste like there was any cream cheese in the dough. It tasted very wheaty instead of having that rich, dairy backbone. Still, I am not above eating them even with the limited flavors available.

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