24 September, 2004


"They should have re-mastered Admiral Piett, and had him in a light saber duel with Admiral Ackbar, that would have rocked!:

Such was the reply from my friend upon seeing the changes in the new Star Wars DVDs. Everyone knows Piett is the best character in the whole series followed by Boba Fett and Wedge.

My productivity level has been medium today. I chilled at TH with JimmyD before heading out to the credit union and the Coop to get some staples for the frig and larder. Now I find myself trying to get a hold of The Pollack to see what in the name of Jehovah is up with these .dat files. No luck so far.

I think the guy at Mother Fool's is starting to recognize me. The way he says hello goes beyond the normal customer greeting into the bounds of recognition. I have to admit that I'm jealous of his ink. Same goes for that Sonya hussie. Here I am with one (1) measly tattoo and they get to show off feet of 'em.

I find myself torn about this whole deportation incident involving Cat Stevens or whatever he goes by these days. Does this guy really pose a threat? I mean aside to people of good taste in music? I hate to see this country deporting people because they're Muslims but, then again, his music is for shite so it is perhaps better this way. What flummoxes me is, if he's on a terrorist watch list, how the fuck did he get on the plane in the first place? Those boys at Heathrow seem to have been dozing on the job or were too busy with a game of bowls. "Let the Americans sort it," I guess.

Herr Goss is now director of the CIA. The same guy who admitted on-camera that he's not qualified? That sounds disturbingly like corporate America.

OK, everyone close your eyes. Done? Good. Now, imagine a world in which there's no Britney Spears' marriages.

Imagine there's no Britney,
It's easy if you try,
No Spears to annoy us,
Only real knots to tie

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