26 September, 2004


Oh this is rich. Me? Fashionable? Mia sent me an email yesterday that contained the following:

”Actually, in reality I was smitten with your look (Chuck Taylors and all) and I was being uncharacteristically coy in saying I have forgotten what you looked like.”

This must be the first time any woman has admitted to being smitten with my mode of dress. I’ve been known to wear argyle socks with shorts – that’s how unfashionable I am. Oddly enough, she’s not the first person to comment positively on my choice of footwear. I’ve had total strangers compliment me on my Chuck Taylors. They must think that they’re not made anymore and that I’m some curiously fashionable anachronism.

I made gumbo last night. The Dulcinea came over at about 6:30 for dinner. We were to hit the 9:15 show of You Can’t Be Neutral On a Moving Train - that bio of Howard Zinn but got quickly side-tracked by dinner not being done and the desire to fornicate. And fornicate we did – like 4 times. I give this not as braggadocio but rather it surprises me. There are times when I write here and ponder just how boring my entries are as they seem to be accounts of seeing beautiful women rather than anything of “substance”. And this explains it – I’m a victim of satyriasis.

There was some just gorgeous frauleins at the coop yesterday. The woman who checked me out was just beautiful. She had short hair but…there was just something about her that grabbed my attention. And, no, it was not her cleavage or anything blatant like that as she wore a sweater and a long skirt. I dunno. She just had this air of confidence about her and a certain mysteriousness. Guarded yet not. And to think that I overlooked her when trying to find a checkout aisle. I spotted a shorter yet very cute womyn at one register then this woman said that she could help me. I was sort of disappointed at first but then, as she scanned my things, I was taken with her. As I was leaving, I wished her a good weekend but she said nothing.

More hotties were to be had at the Java Jive Coffee Benefit Hoolie. JimmyD and I were the TH reps. It was cool to meet and chat with owners of other coffee establishments. Then we were approached by some womyn whose name I cannot recall but was proffering biscotti. She presented Downtown with a bad of the lemony ilk. I then inquired as to whether she has the chocolaty kind and she told me to hang on. I did so and she returned a few minutes later with a plate of them. OH my fuck were they tasty! And so I struck up a conversation with the Biscotti Lady. Her hubby works for the software company that did Rune, the name of which I cannot recall. She was really nice and told me in the course of the conversation that she was nursing. So I availed myself of the opportunity to gawk at her tits the rest of the morning. And she knows Heather Skyler, the local author and TH resident – they belong to the same book club.

We were next to EVP, I think the name was, who was represented by a pulchritudinous fraulein. She seemed friendly at first as I enquired about the book she had brought. Its introduction was by Sartre so I asked if it was an existentialist book but it was not. I found out that she’s a philosophy major. When I told her that I was enamored of Kant, she was immediately offended at my puerile tastes. Nietzsche was her game. After that, she pretty much wanted nothing to do with me. Beotch. Then there was the womyn in the striped shirt. The tight striped shirt. The one who bent over slightly while pouring cream in her coffee and nearly had her boobs freed from their restraints. Women shouldn’t be allowed to display so much cleavage. At least don’t bitch when you catch us peeking.

We returned to TH and unloaded the car. The Caffeinatrix has a new hound and her parents were in town for the canine shower. I also found out her birthday was last week. Now I feel bad for not having had the decency of even wishing her a happy one. I suppose it would have helped had I known. I also got the chance to chat with Miss Vicki and do the crossword puzzle with Emily. Miss Vicki remains unemployed but it pondering a potential gig in Cleveland working for a music publisher. Hopefully she’ll find work soon. After the socializing, Downtown and I went to the Cottage Café in hopes of seeing the Botox Lady but it was not to be. Instead we ate hamburgers and shot the shit. We recalled the Java Jive and commented on the breasts of a certain barista who shall remain nameless.

After lunch, I took a brief nap and went to fix a couple computers out in Middleton. One just needed to have Norton Anti-Virus removed so it would boot. The other needed to have oodles of spyware removed so that Windows would function correctly. This left the problem of it not being able to get onto the Internet. The removal of spyware allowed it to at least see the wireless network. Unfortunately it was not able to get an IP addy from the router and instead used Winders Automatic IP Config or whatever that annoying thing is called. (The hoolie where you get a 169.254.x.x IP address.) I didn’t have time to turn it off and try adding the info manually. I suspect that won’t work either as I can’t even ping the router. Fucking computers.

I found out that my grandmother is in the hospital but have no idea why. And so I’ll have to call me mum tomorrow and see what’s up. This may necessitate a trip to Chicago to visit. Also tomorrow I start my bookmaking class. And I wanna visit Mel. And stuff I’m forgetting, no doubt. On a musical note, I’ve got shows by Dick Dale, The Pixies, and Jethro Tull downloading. The Pixies’ gig is from Madison. I’ve downloaded shows by bands I’m not familiar with from Madison as an excuse to attempt to get into them but have failed so far. It helps if you actually listen to their music. I take that back – I did snag an Ani Difranco show and found her music to be grating on the ears. Well, not so much her music as her singing. I give her kudos for her independence and stance on various issues and blah blah blah – I have a gripe with the medium, not the message. So much for adding that to my arsenal of tricks for hitting on chicks at the coop.

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