01 December, 2004

I'm Trying to Be Ill

I feel like shite. I skipped work and spent my day alternately coughing/eating soup and sleeping. I feel a bit better now but suspect I'm still a heinous germ factory. But I'll be back at work tomorrow to share my now-mutated illness with my co-workers who gave it to me in the first place.

I got an e-letter from The Dulcinea a couple days ago that I didn't respond to until today. In it she revealed that she found this site and has been reading. She continued by basically saying that she's really confused or, at least, that her thoughts on the matter were unorganized. Fair enough. She then went on to express sadness over how I little I "...have invested in our time together." She is tired of me keeping her at arm's length and wants to be closer in my circle of sympathies.

At first, I felt a bit angry that she'd read my blog but it is in the public domain and I have no right to be angry so I got over that quickly. I mulled the letter over for a couple days along with the other things on my mind: my father's memory, my future both near and far, past relationships, etc. In addition, a friend and I were discussing religion & morality recently. He made a comment akin to, "You're an atheist but one of the most moral people I know. Except for what you're doing to [The Dulcinea]." I suppose I was ignoring the Catigorical Imperative. Nothing like a little moral castigation from a friend. And it seemed that she and I were working at cross purposes. She wanted more and I didn't. Honestly, I was surprised she put up with me for as long as she did. Although I like her and care for her and have a tremendous amount of respect for her, I responded that I no longer wanted to be in a relationship with her. From the reply, I gather that the letter was a ploy to get me to say such. I'm sure I'll write more later but, for now, I feel like Eliot's Typist: "Well now that's done: and I'm glad it's over."

Yesterday night I met up with a fellow Madtown blogger, Crystal, at Mickey's. We had a few drinks and chatted as Doc Roddy and Paul Black played in the corner. It was fun to get to meet someone behind the words in person. And especially the puchritudinous kind. We got along well enough and we agreed to meetup again. Perhaps for company on my inaugural trip for Smut-N-Eggs.

I finished listening to Project Twilight today. It was quite good. It was probably influenced by Blade as it involved vampires in a current urban setting. I then started listening to The One Doctor. The beginning was great. After the theme music, you hear The Doctor in an evil, booming voice bragging about how he owns everything and everyone is in his power. They added just the right amount of echo to it. Then the moody incidental music stops and his companion, Mel, chimes in saying that he shouldn't be so melodramatic as it's only Monopoly. The Doctor then says he has the right to be melodramatic on occasion and continues in his earlier voice gloating how own Park Place and the Electric Utility. I laughed. I laughed hard. So hard that it sent me into a coughing fit of epic proportions. Although I've only listened to a quarter of the story so far, it's quite amusing. The Doctor and Mel land on a planet in meida res of a huge celebration. Apparently alien invaders had been repelled by...The Doctor! But The Doctor doesn't remember having been to the planet before and doesn't feel anything as he usually does when in close proximity to another of his selves. Instead, we find out that there's a man and womyn running around pretending to be The Doctor and his companion and conning people. It ought to be an amusing listen.

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