02 December, 2004

Work Draws to a Close

Oh this is just rich. Churches are rescheduling events in the wake of the rescheduling of Packer games. One reverend doesn't want "church members to have to make a choice between church or the Packers." Gee, I wonder who'd win that one. "God is nice'n'all but it's the Pack!" Once church had planned for members to go caroling to the home of shut-ins but apparently the Packers take precendence over being nice to your neighbor the one time of year most people do things for their neighbors. I expect people to be that way but why the church leaders acquiesce so easily is telling.

"Blog" was the most popular search at Merriam-Webster's on line dictionary.

The One Doctor contined to be funny last night. Alien invaders came to the planet demanding tribute but it had to be collected from the 17 planets in the solar system. So The Doctor, Mel, the fake Doctor, and his companion, Sally-Anne, headed out in the TARDIS to fetch the stuff. The fake Doctor's traveling device, the STARDIS, was set to look like a porta-potty. And the dematerialization sound was a combination of a flushing toilet and the TARDIS sound that was quite humorous. At the end of episode 2, The Doctor and Sally-Anne had gone to one planet after having dropped of the fake Doc and Mel on another. The Doctor and Sally-Anne discover what appears to be an old amphitheater. They turn a corner and you hear someone answering a trivia question and familiar music - like that of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Meanwhile, Mel and the fake Doc find an old furniture warehouse. Then they discover that the place is inhabited by robot warehouse workers that long ago went crazy and started killing everyone. The voices of the robots is like that of a Dalek only more friendly, more childish. But it still screams something akin to "Exterminate!" I'm looking forward to the final two parts tonight.

I've traded a couple e-mails with the fraulein from Iowa. She seems really cool - a former cinematographer who also is in love with music. She boasts a CD collection of 2500 albums. Plus, like me, she is part Polish and from Chicago originally. I think my description of the FFRF convention has convinced her to become a member. Too bad she lives in Iowa. But it looks as if she'll make a cool e-mail pal. And perhaps when she comes to Madison or if I have occasion to go to Des Moines, I could get a piece of ass. I'll keep dreaming...

A new hottie has started working at Ancora - Tara. She was introduced to me by April. While she's pretty, she wasn't particularly friendly and looked like she was really into The Cure. A little too much eye liner for my taste.

In addition to mailing a few items of The Dulcinea's to her, I also mailed that care package to those soldiers in Bravo Company. The behemoth weighed 14 lbs. and cost over $16 to mail. That's a lot cheaper than I thought it would be, though. And I don't mind anyway. It's going to a group of homesick people who's asses are on the line in a war they shouldn't be involved with. I'll take my problem of not getting laid over theirs of potentially being shot or blown up by an RPG anyday.

It's only 4:30 yet it's nearly dark. According to the U.S. Naval Observatory, the sun set 10 minutes ago. How depressing. At least the refulgent orb will begin setting later in 13 days though we have to wait until January 8th for it to rise earlier. What shall I do for the Winter Solstice this year? Note to self: find local group that wassails.

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