11 April, 2005

Breaking Two Fasts

I got to bed in the wee hours of Saturday morning but woke up around seven o'clock anyway. The Dulcinea and I had decided to break our fasts together on Friday so I tried to expand my consciousness a bit before I called her. Upon doing so, we decided to head over to the Original Pancake House or whatever it is over there by the Beltline in Monona.

Walking in, I see that they don't accept credit cards and, like a dork, I didn't bring any cash so The Dulcinea was forced to pay.

Breakfast was good and I was especially pleased with my buckwheat pancakes. We chatted about the shows we had each seen the night before: I Tempest and she The Decemberists. Then I asked if she'd like to do a podcast together. She agreed to it. Not only does she have a magnificent radio voice but, like me, I think she's itching to do something creative other than blogging. We have interests in common and if a podcast about sex were in the cards, we'd be good hosts as we had a wonderful sex life together. I'll have to do some brainstorming about it tonight.

After breakfast, we headed down to the lakeshore to catch some fresh air and feel the spring breeze in our hair. When we got to the railing, Things turned ornithological when The Dulcinea spotted a pair of robins in media res of what looked to be a mating ritual. She also saw a brilliantly colored cardinal sitting on a bare branch. We also watched the minnows benath us in the shallow water dart away before continuing our chit-chat. At one point, The Dulcinea remarked that she was feeling frisky and said that she could just rub up against something so I offered my leg. It was at this point or thereabouts that I began to get hard. So I quickly leaned over the rail again hoping to hide it. I've gotta admit that, regardless of anything else that we may or may not have between us, we have always had and continue to have more than our share of sexual tension between us. I was sorely tempted to grab her ass - just cop a feel anyhow and anywhere I could. But I guess neither of us has succumbed to those sides of us she calls "helpless animals". We'll see how long that lasts, I suppose. Anyway, we ended up talking for longer than expected and, once she looked at the time, she had to fly.

I'm looking forward to doing the podcast with her. It's just that I don't think either of us have any idea what we're going to talk about. I'd like to incorporate music into it somehow, even if only bumper music. Luckily, between us we have enough non-copyrighted material so we don't have to worry about the RIAA getting on our asses. A bit of music, some Mel & Floyd like commentary on current events...I'm sure we could blather on about various things such as books we're reading, blogs we read/webpages we visit, and the like. We'll see, I guess. We'll see if she is still up for the challenge of having to deal with my swarvy ass.

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