11 April, 2005

Late Night Follies in Stevens Point

Trivia was, as it always is, amusing. I'd never done the Point contest before so it was something new and fresh. Plus Marv decided to tag along. Dumb Donald got done with class and was at my house a bit after noon o'clock. We packed our stuff in my car and drove north. The drive went quickly as I hadn't seen Dumb Donald in a while and so we had a lot to talk about. Plus Marv and he, having never met before, got to know one another. Lots of banter and laughter. It didn't take long to find the hotel and we were lucky in that we found a parking spot in their lot. Grabbing our stuff, we went in to find the trivia rooms.

Rooms 303 and 305. 303 is where the trivia action was while 305 was where people could go to crash. We walked into 303 to find Chet, Karl, and Kias scrambling around with beers in their hands while Zeke was crashed on one of the beds with an empty sardine tin lying next to him. As we squeezed some bottles into the last remaining square inches of the frig, Zeke awoke. Marv was introduced to everyone and we got down to business. During a musical interlude, Chet described the trivia parade on Friday evening. They had all crammed themselves into Kias' car and drove in the parade. Instead of tossing confetti, the boys tossed books. Lots of old almanacs got thrown out the car windows. When they ran out, Chet and Zeke started throwing cigarettes to the crowd. There was also a womyn dressed as Marilyn Monroe in the parade who threw condoms to the onlookers. We all settled in for the long haul and got to trivia.

Of course, you can't play trivia Zupan style without cheap beer:

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Nor can we play without our Sigmund Freud bobblehead mascot:

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Here's Zeke and Chet relaxing:

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Before Kias took a nap, I caught a him researching:

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Around 10 Saturday night, Dumb Donald called the studio to take them up on their invite to profile our team for television. The camera crew arrived around 5 o'clock Sunday morning. This is Zeke describing his occupation as a remover of rectal warts for the unsuspecting college kid:

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For my part, I told them that I was the computer operator and that I surfed porn. Dumb Donald was liquored up and threatened to kick the interviewer in the cajones. Karl explained the origin of our team's name while Kias explained that he got his fez by stealing it from a Shriner in Duluth. Needless to say, about 2/3 of the footage they shot ended up on the cutting room floor, so to speak.

I took some truck driver pills as Saturday turned into Sunday and started pounding coffee. With the first mini-pot gone and no more caffeinated grounds left, Dumb Donald and I headed downstairs. We found a gaggle of parents drinking beer in the lobby while there kids played arcade games and swam. Much to my chagrin, the coffee dispenser was empty. In response, DD said hi to a group of people there, reached into their cooler, and snagged a can of Miller Genuine Draft Light. We then headed to the front desk to lay our woes on the womyn there. Hearing our sob story, she gave us a few packets of coffee and we went back upstairs. At some time, Tree stopped by with a 12-pack of MGD Light and he hung around for a while before heading home. Around 4:30 Sunday morning I began to get tired but decided to stay up until the TV crew got there. I figured that I could catch some shuteye after they left. Boy was I wrong. Kias and Karl woke up from their slumbers and shuffled out the door to find the trivia stone and Chet and Marv were passed out. Zeke floated in and out of consciousness leaving me and Dumb Donald in charge. And he was coming up with dandies like, "The Gluek you take is equal to the love you make", so I had no choice but to tough it out. I was finally able to get some sleep around 9:30 but only just. One bloody hour later I was up and back at it.

The questions were quite a bit different than I expected. The New London contest has various categories while this one was almost all pop culture. "What are the call letters for the TV station that Katie Current works at?" Who the fuck is Katie Current? She's from Shark's Tale. It think C9 was the answer. Just piddly shit like that. And also questions like "Who was 10th in earnings in 1948 in the Eastern Stock Car League and won first place at some archery tournament?" Fuck me. I did, however, find out that lilacs are now blooming 4 days earlier than they were in 1965. Damn global warming!

With the aid of some coffee and a Red Bull knock-off, we made it home Sunday evening. I went to bed around 5:30 and woke up at 5 this morning, just around the time Dumb Donald was getting off from work.

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