31 May, 2005

That Famous Liberal Media Bias

The Downing Street Memo hasn't exactly been the centerpiece of American mainstream media but at least some folks in Minnesota have finally brought it up. A Memorial Day editorial in the Minneapolis Star Tribune mentioned it. The editorial notes the redemptions of Richard Clarke & Paul O'Neill:

It turns out that former counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke and former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill were right. Both have been pilloried for writing that by summer 2002 Bush had already decided to invade.

It also notes that:

The "smoking gun," as some call it, surfaced on May 1 in the London Times.

Talk about liberal media bias. Those jackasses in Minneapolis had to wait a month before they mentioned it and they couldn't have been bothered to print it in toto? If Paris Hilton were to fart, CNN would be running the story 24/7. Larry King would have a gastro-intestinal doctor on his show. Faux News would have special amber news alerts constantly and Bill O'Reilly would find someone to yell at who disagreed with O'Reilly's assertion that "Jesus the Philosopher" condones farting in the New Testament.

What a bunch of pansy-asses. I expect Fox to tow whatever line the administration gives them. Shit, if we started rounding up Arabs and putting them into internment camps, Michelle Malkin would be at Fox studios 24/7. When Bush announces his eugenics plan, Fox newsers would be right there circumlocuting how it could possibly contradict his "culture of life". But holy fuck, where is the rest of the media? Are all the smaller papers waiting for the NYT or Washington Post to go with it first? How about Dan Rather stepping up to the plate? His journalistic career is already down the shitter so what's he got to lose? Fuck, he's got everything to gain. Conservatives in the media always have these talking point memos which say that the media is run by a bunch of folks allied with the Dems yet here's a good story that could be used as part of an argument for impeachment yet these "liberal" reporters are sitting on the story. I'm not saying that I want every reporter to start calling for impeachment proceedings, not that I'd mind too much, but we're looking at potential evidence for high crimes. Or misdemeanors, at least. Let's look at the memo, question its veracity, and, if proven legit, let's talk about the implications. No witch hunt is needed on the part of the press, just some investigation.

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