23 June, 2005

Engendering Debate

So I went back to the Women's Autonomy-Sexual Sovreignty blog. I inquired as to the logic behind the statement, "53% of the world's population is Female. The Human Race is therefore Female." In return, I am told that I am:

"...projecting your masculist [sic] fears and values on something you don't understand."

So, the first thing I get is a psychological evaluation and then insulted. At least she gets around to explaining her weird logical leap:

"Biologically, the male is a variant of what begins as female. Therefore, to say the race is female is inclusive of men. This is in contrast to the oppression and exclusion generally practiced in patriarchal society, in which the male seeks to exclude or dominate women. It's not an opposite of patriarchy, it is an entirely different world view.

Oh. Now, whatever you may think of her view, which, in my opinion, veers perilously close to misandry, she pulls a little bait'n'switch. She tells me that I'm this horrible patriarch and then justifies her faulty logic by dragging in other material that is nowhere to be found on that page. Premise = A. Conclusion = B. Logically, B does NOT follow A so she backtracks and says, "Oh, well it's because of C."

And I love her equivocation too. She uses "female" which has two different (though related) meanings and equates them. First we have, "Biologically, the male is a variant of what begins as female." So "female" here refers to a fetus prior to sex differentiation in the womb with a particular set of gonads. When she uses it in reference to the human race, the word's definition changes dramatically. Not only does it refer to a person with a particular set of gonads, but it also implies a person whose behaviors and views and have been molded by a patriarchal society. Beautiful equivocation.

It's too bad that fallacious logic, insults, pop psychology, and misandry have become the rallying cries for this feminist. I suspect that she is not alone in her choice of tools. I noted in her second reply that she neglected to address the points I made regarding her skewed logic. I truly hope that this isn't representative of the Third Wave of feminism.

So remember folks, the only possible motivation for using the phrase, "the exclusion of men", is the unconscious projection of masculinist fears and values.

Today's pop psychology lesson has ended.

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