01 July, 2005


Well, if I ever adopt a gay lifestyle in the near future, I'll be sure to get me some action. Yesterday Salon posted an article about a new hairless norm for men. One of the readers replied:

I know it's all the straight rage now, but body waxing is "very yesterday" in the gay world. The hairy-chested guys are getting all the attention now. Just as always, you straight guys are five years behind.

-- Michael Smith

This morning I was blessed with one of these:

OK, so it's only 77% chocolate but it was still quite tasty. And it was free - courtesy of the Chili Princess. I am incredulous that she doesn't savor dark chocolate. I guess no one's perfect.

I received CDs of the Elaine Pagels lecture I attended a couple months ago. I've only been able to listen to the first few minutes of it so far. Sometime I'll be able to sit down and give it some attention. Despite a rather low recording level, it's still better than I was able to muster with my mini-digital hoolie.

Ya know, I was in a good mood earlier. I got to chat, albeit briefly, with Miss Jolene, my webpage is up and running, and I got me some free chocolate. Now I hear that SCOTUS memeber Sandra Day O'Connor has retired. This reminds me that I must remember to renew my membership with the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

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