09 July, 2005

My Weekend Began Early

My weekend actually started yesterday during my lunch hour when I made a quick journey over to my favorite chocolatier, Gail Ambrosius, and bought me a super sampler pack:

The one that's on dust is her cinnamon/cayenne delectible. It's mighty fine, let me assure you, with lots of chocolate, cinnamon, and a silghtly peppery/earthy taste. Next to it is the chai variety. Chocolately herby goodness! Finally there's the Buddha with a green tea-infused belly. Again, it was awesome! Plus, when I picked up the order, she gave me a sample of her new mint candy. She explained to me that she was given an assload of fresh mint by a local farmer, hence the new flavor. OMG! I think I creamed my jeans when I bit into it and savored each bite - all 2 of them. At first I tasted the grassy flavor and then the mint kicked in. Believe it or not, I actually shared my booty with my co-workers. Fortunately, the Chili Princess abstains from dark chocolate. Ed was curious about the cinnamon/cayennes and he was duly impressed when he ate one. And so was Bill.

When I got home, I was happy to see three envelopes from Ticketmaster:

Lots of live music to come and it begins next weekend.

I did some shopping today. In addition to groceries, I grabbed a bike helmet and some CDs. As for those groceries, I'm going the multi-cultural ethnic fusion route. The meal with combine Polish (cabbage rolls & Royal Chicken) with faux Cuban (Chocolate-Banana Sin cake).

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