21 October, 2005

Fashion of Ages Past

While Ian Anderson wasn't the first man to don a codpiece, he was probably the first to don one for work in a few hundred years. The codpiece has a long and storied history and you can read all about it at this page. I love the opening of the second paragraph:

"That the development of the codpiece was a necessity is commonly agreed upon by fashion historians. However, there is some disagreement about when it first came into use."

The codpiece was a necessity. Oh to be a fashion historian. I think codpieces are cool and men's fashion has been crippled for ages. Women have all sorts of clothing to accentuate their bodies, e.g. - push-up bras, tight pants, etc. whereas haberdashers have virtually nothing to give to we men along these same lines. OK, who's with me to bring the codpiece back into fashion? If women can wear tight shirts and enhancing bras to draw attention to their chests, I think it only fair that we men have a similar option for our John Thomases.

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