23 February, 2006

New Socrates Café

A Socrates Café is a gathering organized and fascilitated by members of the Society of Philosophical Inquiry (although open to everyone) at which ordinary folks discuss philosophy. The SPI's credo is devotion to

"spreading forms of inquiry that enable and inspire each participant, within a group setting, to a become more autonomous and conscientious thinker and doer, a more expert questioner and listener. A paramount aim of ours is to inspire people who are curious, perplexed and filled with an insatiable sense of wonder, so they can dialogue for discovery. We also strive to enable those who share our deep concern about the state and straits of civility and civicmindedness to dialogue for democracy. And we are here for those who subscribe to the Socratic ethos that the philosophically examined life can make for a richer existence."

There has been one ongoing now for some time which meets at Avol's Books Wednesday & Friday evenings at 6.

Now a new SC has been started. It's to meet at Café Zoma at 7 tonight. I haven't been at the one that meets at Avol's in a while now but it was always fun and interesting. The crowd there was mostly middle aged or older but no matter. There were occasions where one would have to wade through a sea of speculation by a couple guys about aliens from outer space influencing human civilization but I tried to not let that distract me from good philosophical discussion. If I recall the words of Kevin at CZ this morning, this new SC was started by his co-barista, Erin. So perhaps this is aimed at a younger crowd. I won't be able to attend as I'll be at the culinary lecture I mentioned in a previous entry but I'll try to catch the next one.

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