12 February, 2007

Happy Darwin Day!

Happy Darwin Day to one and all! I don't have anything fancy planned to celebrate. I'll probably make me some supper and sit back and relax as I indulge myself in Doctor Who and Darwin.

Bloodtide finds The Doctor and Evelyn on the Galapagos Islands where they meet up with a young natural philosopher by the name of Charles Darwin and the Silurians as well. What more can you ask for?

The Darwin Day activities here in Madison took place on Saturday but there's plenty to do on the internets:

Read some Darwin at The Complete Works of Charles Darwin Online. You can also download Darwin audio books.

Not quite ready to read Origin of Species? Then head to the UC-Berkeley site Understanding Evolution.

Involve your children as well. Head to the library or to your local purveyor of books and check out Darwin and Evolution for Kids.

PBS has a neat website devoted to evolution as well. Check out the library which as interactive multimedia activities.

For more reading, check out the Talk Origins Archive and the blog Panda's Thumb.

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