23 July, 2007

Hitchens Comes to Town

The Freedom From Religion Foundation's annual convention is this October and they've announced that Christopher Hitchens will be in attendance. I must remember to get my check in for registration. Last time I went to one, I met Steven Pinker and heard several good speakers. Hitchens is the big name and I know what he's going to say because he's all over the media promoting his book. Perhaps I'll meet him outside having a square and chat. The person I am hoping to hear speak is Matthew LaClair. He is but a teenager yet he stood up against proselytizing in his school. The kid's got guts and it's nice to see younger godless folk standing up.


  1. Anonymous7:56 PM

    We'll look forward to seeing you there. Make sure to come over and say hello.

    Paul LaClair

  2. And I you and Matthew. I look forward to meeting you folks.
