14 March, 2012

The Ladies Just Don't Get No Respect

Considering that Julaine Appling and her ilk scored a victory yesterday when the Assembly passed a bill "that would ban abortion coverage from policies obtained through a health insurance exchange to be set up under the federal health care reform law".

But I suppose it could be worse. Take Kansas where legislators want to excuse doctors who refuse to tell women that their foetuses will be born with congenital birth defects.

This Get Out of Jail Free For Being an Asshole card is tucked away in in what is apparently called the No Taxpayer Money for Abortions Act. So taxpayer money can't be spent on abortions but can be spent on dropping bombs on children. I get it. Wait, no I don't.

Now I read that Arizona not only wants to make sure that employers of all stripes can deny insurance coverage for birth control to employees but is also looking to give employers the right to fire women who use birth control.

Arizona legislators know that whether or not her insurance covers it, a woman may get the prescription she needs to prevent an unintended pregnancy. They want to give her boss the right to control that too. The bill they are pushing would not only allow employers to take the insurance coverage away, but it would also make it easier for an employer who finds out that his employee uses birth control to fire her.

Apparently only women get to have this hanging over their heads. The article isn't totally clear on this point but I'm thinking that men who have a condom fall out of their pocket (unused, that is) in front of their bosses don't have to worry.

It can't be long before some state mandates that women view their foetus via an IMAX 3D camera used intravaginally before obtaining an abortion. And no taxpayer money for the camera either.

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