14 March, 2012

Twitter: Now With More Gay Bashing

That Jonathan Franzen cat may be onto something when it comes to Twitter.

He may think Twitter merely "unspeakably irritating" but "100 Real Tweets from Homophobes Who Would Murder Their Gay Child" is just heinous. Nazi comparisons seem pretty apt here.

What the fuck does "mi ahh fi" mean? "Sleep in the oven". Nice. Do you think Storm Jones hangs out at Stormfront much? Here's another classic: "#ToMyUnbornChild if your a girl i will drown you in the bathtub, and if your a guy and your turn into a faggot ill kill you" Jeez. It's not enough to want to kill your gay son but you also can't stand the thought of having a daughter regardless if she turns out to be a breeder or not. Didn't mommy show you enough attention when you were little?

And, hey you knuckle-dragging half-literate fucks, learn contractions! "Your" is a possessive pronoun while "you're" = "you are". Get it? The apostrophe takes the place of the "a" and a space.

How many of these people are Christians, do you suppose?


  1. ahh fi = i finna = I'm fixing to, maybe?

    Who gives a shit what religion they follow? People are rotten, period.

  2. I put that last comment in there because it is religious people, mostly Christians in this country, who go around saying that I, as an atheist, have no moral compass and by right should be going around raping and pillaging.

  3. I guess I hang around with the self-scrutinizing, atheist-and-humanist-non-bashing, science-believing Christians. As rare and hypocritical as puking unicorns, I get it.

    Other than my mother, I've never met one of these atheist-bashers you speak of in person. But she'll be dead soon, since she votes against health care coverage and believes healing prayer and brown rice are better than mammograms.

  4. By no means do all Christians say such things. The latest example I'm aware of that is of note is Steve Harvey and his comments. Being a member of the FFRF I get their newsletter and it's not uncommon to read Christians make such arguments.

    "People are rotten" Lots of people are, to be sure, and including godless heathens. I agree with you there. Our rottenness is part of the human condition.

    Have you ever heard to preacher with the walker out on Library Mall?

  5. FFRF is laudable, don't get me wrong. I'm as barfed-out as anyone at the religious sparring that goes on in politics now.

    But: they'll die off. Science and truth will persevere. I really believe that. (Or at least, eventually the earth will spiral into the sun, and it'll all be moot.)

    I've seen the loud preacher. I don't pay attention to him.

  6. Let's hope they die off sooner rather than later.

    I've heard him bash atheists before. Standard BS.
