25 March, 2022

A Little Light Spring Reading

So I have decided to try to read The Lord of the Rings again. I failed at this many years ago and was inspired to try again after a recent gaming session. My friends were talking about the new TV series based on Tolkien's writings, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, and I sat there with a blank look on my face as I had no clue what they were talking about. Third Age? What's that? Ergo, I figured I'd best get it done.

I went to 3 or 4 bookstores before I found the set above. Notice how the spine of The Hobbit has seen use while the other books remain untouched. One store would have 20 copies of The Fellowship of the Ring but none of the others. Off to the next store which had a surfeit of The Two Towers with The Fellowship of the Ring and The Return of the King nowhere in sight. It was very odd. Back in the day, used bookstores always had multiple copies of  these books as boys discovered girls and set aside fantasy novels.

In my first attempt, I finished The Fellowship of the Ring and got halfway through The Two Towers before quitting. Just reading the prologue a few nights ago was like pulling teeth and I was reminded of the slog that I quit midway 20 years ago.

Wish me luck.

To get in the mood, I've been listening to some music inspired by Tolkien and his work.

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