23 November, 2022

I am a slightly extreme reader

"Maybe it’s a Pavlovian response to years of schooling, or that the brisk weather affords more hours inside, or something else entirely, but the fact is this: November seems like the time to take on the heftiest reading on your list."

The end of November is near, but you've still got time to tackle a difficult read such as the hefty tomes in this list by Emily Temple entitled "50 Incredibly Tough Books for Extreme Readers". For my part, I have read 3 of them:

This list includes Dante's The Divine Comedy but I've only read Inferno.

However, there are a few that are on my to-read pile:

Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace

Dhalgren, Samuel R. Delany

2666, Roberto Bolaño

The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer

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