12 October, 2023

Take a trip back to 1982...

While I remember hearing about the Tylenol murders on the news as a kid, I couldn't recall any of the details. And so I found Painkiller: The Tylenol Murders, a new docuseries about the killing of 7 people in Chicagoland in 1982 by cyanide-tainted Tylenol, to be quite informative. It also provided a good laugh seeing those hairstyles and collars from the early 80s.

I felt that the penultimate episode (of 5) was overly tabloidy for my taste.

"Look how intrepid reporter Brad Edwards is!" 

"We found James Lewis!!"

Plus using drone shots for every establishing shot was just garish. Look at what our new toy can do! And they used the same shot of Lewis walking towards the camera over and over. I guess the editors felt, if you find a way to make him look menacing, mechanical killing machine, go with it. I prefer a little more variety.

Regardless, it was interesting to learn more about a bit of history from my childhood.

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