12 November, 2004


The "anonymous" author of Imperial Hubris has resigned from the CIA so he can go public. I guess this wouldn't be a particularly big whoop were it not for the fact that he is claiming that Osama bin Laden "...now has religious approval to use a nuclear device against Americans." Swell. Just swell. An interview with him is going to be on 60 minutes Sunday. Check out the blurb at the CBS website.

If there were an terrorist attack of the nuclear flavor, could blue states blame the red ones for having re-elected our version of Urban II? Will the Jerry Falwells of the land once again point to various groups and say to them that they helped it happen?

Thank the gods for religion, that elephant standing in the middle of the room. As if we human animals need excuses beyond greed, jealousy, etc. to inflict harm upon each other. But no. We have this wonderful faith in an imaginary supernatural being which becomes a potent buttress in the justification of hate. Religion feeds the fire of irrational hatred. Even Tridentine Transubstantiationists are not immune to the plague and they have this deity that asked his followers to be nice to one another.

I don't feel safe in this world no more
and I don't want to die in a nuclear war

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