07 June, 2007

Get Yer Geek On

Madison geeks are banding together and starting a new con here called Geek-Kon. They promise "Anime and Sci-fi Showings Gaming of all Flavors LARPing Music Video Contest Art Contest Cosplay and More!!" and it apparently all FREE. It is being organized as we speak so no venue has been announced though it is to take place downtown. Now watch their trailer:

EDIT: Thanks to the commenters below for more info. The event will be at the Humanities Building on campus. Also see this article up at The Daily Page.


thechrisproject said...

The site says it's going to be in the Humanities building on campus. I tried registering so I could go and take pictures, but the registration page seemed broken.

Year One is always bound to have some issues. I hope this is something that continues and grows over the years. Madison Geek Culture represent.

Anonymous said...

More details about Geek.Kon are here.

Anonymous said...

Also, the venue has been announced. It is at the Humanities Building.

Anonymous said...

Well, I've just tested our Registration and all seems to be working still.

As for growth, there has been talk of going commercial next year so we can expand (If this goes well). It's just talk right now, but here's to hope!

Robert Laib
Geek.kon Con Chair (1 of 2)

Skip said...

Thanks for the heads-up. I've put up a new post with the changes.